New Members Ministry
Description: Support the mission of First Union Missionary Baptist Church to welcome in new members into the body of Christ. To include prayer, completing intake forms, providing new member information, discuss Baptismal procedures, and servants of this ministry make follow-up phone calls and act as an initial resource for new members.
Deacons Ministry
Description: To provide support and assist the Pastor in carrying out the vision and goals. To facilitate the training of new deacons, assist in baptismal preparation, visit church members who are in the hospital, nursing home and shelters. Assist monthly administering The Lord’s Supper to the congregation. Serve communion to members whom are homebound. Visit the sick and pray for the bereaved. Be present at church outings including funerals. Be available to do various activities around the church. To be a liaison between church families and the Pastor.
Trustee Ministry
Description: To promote the spiritual growth of the church and support the Pastor’s vision. The ministry works under the leadership of the Pastor to ensure that the house of God is properly maintained, the Pastor’s and family needs are cared for. Tomonitor the church finances,
Board of Directors
Description: A board of directors is a body of members who jointly oversee the legal activities and retain outside legal counsel as needed.
Finance Committee
Description: Provide direction for the entire church for fiscal responsibility. Regularly review the Church's revenues and expenditures, balance sheet, investments and other matters related to its continued solvency. Ensure that organizational funds are spent appropriately. Ensure the preparation of an annual audit, tax forms, and audited Financial Statements. Approve the annual budget and submit it to the full Board for approval. Oversee the maintenance of church-wide assets, including prudent management of organizational investments. Implement and maintain appropriate risk management measures such as proper insurance coverage.
Women’s Ministry
Description: To follow the vision of the Pastor and Glorify God. Develop and oversee the activities of women’s in the church : Public and private life consistent with Biblical standards, consistent and vibrant walk with Christ, faithful, available, and teachable, exhibit administrative skills with follow-through skills and attention to details, sets and maintains the vision and purpose for women’s ministries, keeps the pastor and staff informed of ministries/activities , hold women’s ministry meetings , stays in contact with women’s ministry Chairperson.
Men’s Ministry
Description: To follow the vision of the Pastor and Glorify God. To enhance the lives of men by developing maturedisciples, who are willing and committed to evangelism, becoming role models/mentors to men in the church and community, devoted husbands and fathers. This is done by exhibiting a commitment to Bible Study, Sunday school, prayer service, community outreach, youth involvement and continual fellowship.
Youth Ministry
Description: Lead the youth to Christ, disciple them and enhance their spiritual journey which will enhance their walk with God. Adult leaders are responsible for training youth to evangelize to their friends by providing them with opportunities for doing ministry in every area of their gifting. The ministry plans regular fun activities on church grounds and off site.
Mime Ministry
Description: Praising the Lord through expressive movements. Allowing ourselves to be subject to the Holy Spirit as He moves into the worship service through these movements. Motivate the congregation to become a part of the praise period as we minister through mime.
Youth Praise Dance Ministry
Description: Magnify God in His holy temple through dance. We prayerfully invite the Holy Spirit to bless the hearts and minds of worshippers through dance.
Sick & Shut-in Ministry
Description: To meet the needs of our church family through in-home visitations, hospital visits, rehabilitation centers, and nursing home visits. The ministry members maintain regular prayer sessions with members in their time of need, sends cards, church bulletins, church sermons and if needed prepare or purchase meals for our members.
Music Ministry
Description: To provide a Spirit filled ministry for all ages where members and guests can use their musical gifts to enhance the Pastor’s vision and to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We sing praises to God under the anointing of the Holy Spirit which allows the body of Christ to be ministered to, through uplifting and inspirational music.
Ushers Ministry
Description: To be gate keepers of God’s house. Ushers escort and welcome members and visitors into the Sanctuary. They provide support to worshippers and the Pastor when needed. Ushers exercise authority during prayer, scripture reading and monitor the sanctuary during sacred moments in the church.
Nurse’s Ministry
Description: To assist members and visitors who are in need. Nurses provide comfort and well-being assistance to the church. They assist the Pastor and Guest Minister by providing bottled water to him as he prepares to minister to the congregation in-house and at guest churches/venues. Nurses also provide mints and cough dropsto the Pastor after sermons have been delivered.
Mother’s Ministry
Description: To support and encourage the Pastor in his vision and in the day to day church matters. The Mother’s ministry makes phone calls to the sick and shut in, those hospitalized and advises other church auxiliaries.
Ministerial Ministry
Description: Support the church’s mission and provide input in reaching the churches annual goals as articulated by the Senior Pastor. To assist the Pastor by facilitating Sunday morning, afternoon and weekly church services. To coordinate Holy Communion and preparation and assist in Baptizing. To carry out Christ orders to his church by going out and making disciples, preaching the good news and saving the lost. The Ministers of the church are to exhibit a Godly lifestyle before the congregation and before the church community.
Sunday School Ministry
Description: To minister to Sunday school participants with the use of the Bible and Sunday school booklet. To have open discussions in sharing God’s word, while providing clarity, and purpose to participants by teaching the Word of God.
Prayer Ministry
Description: To facilitate individual and corporate prayers to our family of faith. During times of need exhibit care, concern and support to our members and church community. To maintain outreach involvement to include telephone calls, visits, and cards.
Transportation Ministry
Description: Provides reliable and safe transportation for members and non- members to and from the church services. Provides transportation for members to accompany the Pastor to outside engagements. Ministry members also monitor the parking lot and ensure safe entry and departure for our worshippers.
Christian Education Ministry
Description: Support and encourage members who are attending schools from the Preschool level to Graduate studies. Provide resources to assist students in completing admissions applications, applying for financial assistance and fundraising events to raise money for scholarships. Provide all students with a Bible and link our youth with faith based community supports.
Hospitality/Beautification Ministry
Description: To welcome, meet, greet, recognize and receive members and visitors into our house of worship. To ensure the church grounds and sanctuary is warm and inviting. To promote a positive image of our church and our church community. Report any and all safety issues to the appropriate ministerial staff.