First Union Ministry Categories:
Administration Ministry
Christian Education Ministries
Service Ministries
Worship Ministries
First Union’s 29 ministries are divided into four categories. Each ministry at First Union Missionary Baptist Church, regardless of category, is populated with God fearing baptized believers. Our mind set is to carry out the directives charged to us in the bible. Ministry and Ministry leaders at First Union are seen as servants. We find that 1 Peter 5: 1 -4 is one of many scriptures that order each ministry worker to maintain a Spirit of excellence and a way of servant-hood:
“The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: 2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; 3 Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. 4 And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. (1Pe 5:1-4)”
Administration Ministry – The administrative team is the fiduciary portion of our ministry that monitor, manage, maintain the financial, legal and physical assets of First Union’s ministry. This is responsible of keeping our ministry in compliance with biblical, local, state and federal laws. They are also the check and balances fiduciaries for all other ministries of our family of faith.
Christian Education Ministries – Christian Education is the core from which all four of our ministry categories operate. These groups of ministries are charged with the responsibility of insuring that every member of our church and person working in ministry is well educated on the word of God, the vision of the Pastor and the laws and policies that govern each ministry.
Service Ministries – The service ministries represent First Union both within and beyond the walls of the church. This cluster of ministries is endowed with the opportunity of providing church and the community with the true meaning of servitude. The Service category of ministries is charged with the awesome responsibility of aid and support to our members and community.
Worship Ministries – Worshiping God is our primary purpose for existing. Therefore every ministry is accountable to heave in giving God the glory. The Worship Ministries are leader in directives to worship and praise God. Although the worship teams lead the way we all must participate.
Administration Ministry
Audit Team
Board of Directors
Church Trustees
Deacon's Ministry
Finance Ministry
First Union Flyer (newsletter)
First Union Missionary Baptist Church, Inc.
First Union Outreach Corporation
Grounds and Facilities
Ministry Marketing and Advertisement
Secretary's Office
Christian Education Ministry:
Bible Study
Conferences and Conventions
Christian Education
Saturday Saints Seminars
Sunday School
New Members Orientation
Worship Ministries
Hospitality Ministry
Minister's Ministry
Music Ministry
Nurses Ministry
Usher's Ministry
Dance and Mime Ministry
Service Ministries:
Audio and Visual Ministry
Deacon's Ministry
Evangelism Ministry
Family Fellowship
First Union Knights
Food Pantry/ Clothes Give-A-Way
Men's Ministry
Minister's Ministry
Outreach Ministry
Prayer Ministry
Senior Mothers Ministry
Transportation Ministry
Women's Ministry
Youth and Children's Ministry