Ephesians Chapter 1
1. Who wrote the epistle of Ephesians and to whom was it written? (verse 1).
2. Paul describes himself as an Apostle. According to your favorite Bible Dictionary, what's an Apostle?
2b. In Heb 3:1 Jesus is called "the Apostle and High Priest of our confession." The official name of those twelve of the disciples chosen by our Lord to be with Him during His ministry and to whom He entrusted the organization of His church.
2c. Their names were?
2d. To whom was Paul an Apostle? Hint: the answer is not in the Book of Ephesians(see Galatians 2:6-8)
3. If you were writing a letter to other Christians who attend another church how would you describe yourself?
4. From verses 3 through 12 of Ephesians Chapter one, cite three verses where Paul says God made a decision about you before you made a decision about Him.
5. Verse 9 of Ephesians Chapter one states that God made the mystery of His will known to us. What is the mystery of His will?
6. Have you ever wondered “What is God’s will for my life?” How can you determine God’s will for your life?
Can you share your experience learning God’s will for your life?
7. Looking at the first ten verses of Ephesians Chapter one, cite three verses that explain the purpose or reason for God’s plan for our salvation.
8. How can our understanding that God had a plan for us before we were born and that we should be especially blessed by Him hurt us if we misconstrue it? How can it help us in our daily walk and witness?
9. What do the first 14 verses teach us about the character of God?
That God loves us, has always loved us, and He always had a plan for us.
10. How many verses from the Bible can you find where the Holy Spirit was promised as stated in verse 13 of this first chapter of Ephesians?
11. Do you think Paul had visited with the Ephesians prior to writing this letter to them? Why or why not?
12. Paul says he prays for the Ephesians. What does Paul ask God to give them?
13. What four reasons did Paul give for asking God to give the Ephesians these things?
14. From reading Chapter One of Ephesians, what is the ultimate purpose of our salvation? Cite the verse(s).
Verses 11 and 12
15. God’s Holy Spirit in us is God’s seal. From the following scriptures, what truths are signified by a seal?
Security by God’s power – He is the King of Kings
Dan 6:17, Matt 27:62-66
Authenticity of God’s Promise
1 Kings 21:1-16
God’s Ownership of Believers
Jer 32:10
God’s Authority
Est 8:7-12
16. In verses 19 through 23 of this chapter of Ephesians we learn about God’s power.
What impresses you about that power of God?
What did God do with His power for Jesus Christ?
Ephesians 1:19-23 19
17. What do we learn from the following verses about God putting everything under the feet of Jesus?
Ps 8:1-8
1 Cor 15:24-28
Heb 2:5-9
18. What blesses you the most about this first chapter of Ephesians?